Academic Information

Bologna Process

The Bologna process developed from the idea of creating a common, comparable, competitive and transparent higher education in Europe. It is an unusual process created and maintained by 47 member countries with the cooperation of many international organizations. Membership in the process is not based on any governmental/interstate agreement. Papers published within the scope of the Bologna Process are not legally binding. The process is a formation in which every country participates with their free will, and countries have the right to accept the goals stipulated by the Bologna Process.

For detailed information, you can visit

Goals of the Bologna Process

  • Creating easy-to-understand and comparable higher education diplomas and degrees (Diploma Supplement application).
  • To switch to a three-stage degree system in higher education: undergraduate, graduate and doctorate.
  • To implement the European Credit Transfer System-ECTS (ECTS: European Credit Transfer System).
  • To ensure and disseminate the mobility of students and teaching staff.
  • To implement and disseminate the network of quality assurance systems in higher education.
  • To develop the European dimension in higher education.

Benefits of the Bologna Process for Students

  • Since the Bologna Process envisages a student-centered approach, it ensures active participation of students in their education life.
  • It helps students to choose their education programs and courses more consciously.
  • What qualifications they will have when they complete the courses and programs they have chosen; that is, it helps them to know in advance what they will know, what they can apply and what social, professional and communication competencies they may have.
  • Since course credits will be formed on the basis of student workload, it encourages students’ extracurricular activities and ensures that these activities are transferred to their degree.
  • It makes the horizontal and vertical transitions between education-teaching levels understandable and easier.
  • Thanks to the quality assurance implemented in all higher education institutions, the quality difference between institutions will decrease, and it improves equality of opportunity among students by ensuring that all students receive quality education.
  • The employment rate of students who graduate from programs created with qualifications and quality assurance increases.
  • Thanks to recognition tools such as the Diploma Supplement and the European Credit Transfer System, it increases the professional and academic mobility of students by allowing their education to be recognized abroad.
  • It encourages student mobility and reduces barriers to mobility.
  • It promotes lifelong learning not only for formal learning but for all learning.

About Elective Courses

Aiming to meet the need for elective courses that will increase within the framework of the Bologna process, the Elective Courses Unit Coordinator plans to open courses for every interest and skill area.

For detailed information, you can visit